Primary Teachers Empowered for a Sustainable Future
In a brief yet enlightening gathering, the primary teachers of Bina Bangsa School Pantai Indah Kapuk (PIK) had the opportunity to hear about the inspiring concept of green schools.
On 1 September 2023, the teachers learnt about the principles and practices of green schooling. The keynote speaker was Mr Sal Gordon, Principal of Green School Bali.
In this session, the teachers were introduced to the innovative approach of integrating sustainability and environmental awareness into education. Furthermore, the session aimed to motivate the teachers to explore new ways of imparting knowledge and nurturing eco-consciousness among their students in hopes of laying the foundation for a brighter, greener school, community and future.
According to Mr Gordon, Green School Bali has six learning programmes deeply embedded in their curriculum. These are thematic learning, project-based learning, skills and values, nature-based learning, academic learning and whole-of-community learning.
Green School Bali is an innovative international school located in Bali, Indonesia. It is known for its unique approach to education which places a strong emphasis on sustainability, environmental stewardship and holistic learning.