Written By · 05 October 2023 · 0 min read
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Blended Learning : Learning stations in P1-P2
Our P1 and P2 classes were having learning stations during their Maths and English lessons. Each learning station offered a unique learning experience about a specific topic. The students approached the task on their own or as a group and tried to complete the tasks independently. The teacher's role was more of facilitating and monitoring that everyone was on task.
The station rotation model is a type of blended learning wherein learners move through a series of interactive stations in their classroom, each designed to promote independent learning and enhance students’ mastery of the lesson. These stations often include hands-on activities, group discussions and educational online games.
Ms Adele's station - Rotation class Ms Adele's station - Rotation class Ms April's station - Rotation class Ms April's station - Rotation class