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Building the Right Academic and Character Growth Through the Right Primary School Education

Do you agree? A good preschool and primary school education are crucial for your children's future academic and character development. Research \by UCL's Effective Provision of Pre-School Education (EPPSE) project in 2017 found that the quality of primary teaching affects children's social behaviour and intellectual development. Given the right home environment, the research found that academically effective primary school education allows better attainment and progress as they grow into their later stages of education.

As you are looking for the right foundation for your child's education, a good primary school education must consist of a curriculum that allows your children to grow beyond recognised academic qualifications. It also should enable them to explore other non-academic life skills and proper character development as part of the package. One of the world-recognised curricula offering such a package is the Cambridge Primary Curriculum, a six-year primary education program for children between 6 and 12 years old.

Cambridge Primary education offers a broad and balanced education for learners, providing a platform for students to thrive throughout their academic and life skills. The program consists of only ten subjects that students and parents can choose from, allowing opportunities to develop creativity, wellbeing, and expression in many ways, on top of academic achievements. The approach may be in contrast to some other primary school education systems considered traditional, which offer more subjects at one go, with a rigid system where students have little to no option to choose their subject combination.

Over the past few decades, the Cambridge education system has built a community of more than 10,000 schools around the globe that adopted a Cambridge-based program as part of their curriculum. Cambridge International also partners with governments worldwide, including Southeast Asia's Singapore, which has been one of the success stories of the region's education system. 

Several Satuan Pendidikan Kerjasama (SPK) schools adopted the Cambridge curriculum in their primary school education in Indonesia. One of them is Bina Bangsa School, the first in the country to be certified by the Cambridge International Examination (CIE) board in 2001. The school offers a Cambridge-based robust primary school education program, taught by a qualified multinational teaching faculty that consists of a four-year foundation stage (Primary 1 - 4) and a two-year orientation stage (Primary 5 and 6). 

Students will be taking a combination of academic and non-academic subjects in their six years of primary school journey with the following combinations:

Academic Subjects

Non-academic Subjects

  • English Language (25%)

  • Mathematics (25%)

  • Chinese Language (25%)

  • Science (15%)

  • Bahasa Indonesia (10%)

  • Physical Education

  • Music

  • Character First

  • Faith Builder / Character Building

  • Art & Craft

  • Health Education

  • IT Skills

  • Young Investigators (Projects)

At the end of the six-year primary school education, students will be assessed on a Primary School Leaving Examination (PSLE), a CIE-certified examination process similar to the examination system used by primary school students in Singapore. Bina Bangsa School believes in a primary school education that develops language ability, reasoning skills, and independence in performing daily tasks. 

If your children reach the age of six years old before 31 July of the current school year, your children might be eligible for admission to the Primary 1 grade of the BBS primary school program. The administration office will assess enrollments, and prior knowledge of the English language will be advantageous to potential students. Find out how you can submit an application for your children's primary school education.



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