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Bina Bangsa School Bandung Hosts 23 World Scholars Cup Regional Round

By: Mandy Ashley Satya Utama, Junior College 1 Teamwork




The BBS Bandung Team


20 January 2023 - Bina Bangsa School Bandung hosted the 2023 Bandung Regional Round spanning 2 days. During the event, scholars all around Bandung and Jakarta competed in teams of 3 in 4 events: Scholars Challenge, Team Debate, Collaborative Writing, and Scholars Bowl. During the closing ceremony, it was announced that 14 teams (6 Junior, 8 Senior) would be advancing to the Global Round.


The Global Round is estimated to be participated in by 10,000 scholars from 50 countries worldwide. Qualified teams can choose from any of the following locations to continue competing.


The Global Round this year will be held at:


  • Doha: June 22-27
  • Seoul: July 14-19
  • London: July 26-30
  • Bangkok: September 1-6


With 2 more venues to be announced. 


The qualified teams are the following:


Junior Category:


302 - Bryan Aurelius Suherman, Allana Adzani Prakarsa & Marcheline Nala Setiawan;


303 - Cedric Benedict Wijaya, George Alexander Alkata & Matthew Sebastian Koshan;


304 - Hillary Hardjanto, Victoria Aiko Saputra & Willard Nathan Tjie;


305 - Maheswara Shakti Nugroho, Aditya Dharmendra Barki & Neil Aide Jayalaksana;


306 - Elena Ava Johan, Mireille Yael Tanzil & Gabriella Giselle Tjandradinata;


307 - Daniel Reagan, Darren Sastrawidjaja & Roderick Rickie Tang;


Seniors Category


331 - Limas Owen Sanjaya, Josephine Chloe Confido & Teja Srinivasan;


332 - Abigail Madeline Koshan, Dylan Sastrawidjaja ' Matthew Bradford Kahar;


333 - Michelle Giovanni Liem, Jessica Ashley & Tochelle Daniela Wivana;


334 - Venancius Farrel Lesmana, Claire Hillary Alkata & Christopher Alexander Wijaya;


335 - Nathanael Winston Ludjio, Michelle Gunawan & Sidney Sutanto;


336 - Aston Cieputra, Charlene Cieputra & Feline Vinita Yoswara;


337 - Mandy Ashley Satya Utama, Yan Xin Lu & Valerie Vida Winardi;


338 - Vansh Chojar, Joe Frans & Bryant Gunawan;


BBS Bandung Ensemble's Quintet


During the opening ceremony, we had a performance from the BBS Bandung ensemble members. They performed libertango. 


It was followed by the Secondary 3's Speech Choir presentation on the poem 'The Highwayman' by Alfred Noyes.


Sec 3 Students' Speech Choir Interpretation of the poem, 'The Highwayman' by Alfred Noyes


Afterwards, scholars competed in the Scholars challenge, Collaborative Writing, and Team Debate competitions. 





The Scholars Challenge is a 120-question multiple choice quiz, encompassing 6 different topics, done with a twist. Here, scholars can choose more than one answer, although decreasing the points earned for getting the question right. This is the only event done solo. 


Junior Division 




2nd - Team 304


4th - Team 302


Arts & Media


7th - Victoria Aiko Saputra


Social Studies 


3rd - Victoria Aiko Saputra


5th - Allana Adzani Prakarsa 


6th - George Alexander Alkata 




6th - Hillary Hardjanto




2nd - Maheswara Shakti Nugroho 


Special area


3rd - Bryan Aurelius Suherman 


4th - Hillary Hardjanto


5th - Maheswara Shakti Nugroho 


6th- Cedric Benedict Wijaya


Senior division 




1st - Team 337 


3rd - Team 331 


Arts & Media


2nd - Christopher Alexander Wijaya 


5th - Mandy Ashley Satya Utama


Social Studies


1st - Josephine Chloe Confido 


3rd - Venancius Farrel Lesmana


4th - Joe Frans


5th - Dylan Sastrawidjaja




1st - Bryant Gunawan 


3rd - Joe Frans


4th - Mandy Ashley Satya Utama




1st - Mandy Ashley Satya Utama 


2nd - Yan Xin Lu


3rd - Josephine Chloe Confido 


5th - Aston Cieputra 




1st - Liemas Owen Sanjaya


2nd - Christopher Alexander Wijaya


3rd - Charlene Cieputra 


4th - Dylan Sastrawidjaja


Special Area 


2nd - Mandy Ashley Satya Utama


3rd - Charlene Cieputra 


4th - Joe Frans





During Collaborative writing, scholars are given 6 prompts, one from each subject area.  Each scholar will answer a prompt different from their teammates. Scholars first have time to prepare together, then time individually to write, then a last chance to review one another's work at the end.


Junior Division 




1st - Team 305


3rd - Team 304




3rd - Aditya Dharmendra Barki


9th - Bryan Aurelius Suherman


10th - Victoria Aiko Saputra


11th - Maheswara Shakti Nugroho 


16th - Hillary Hardjanto


17th - Willard Nathan Tjie


19th - Neil Aide Jayalaksana


Senior Division 




1st - Team 336


3rd - Team 332


5th - Team 335




1st - Feline Vinita Yoswara 


4th - Dylan Sastrawidjaja


5th - Sidney Sutanto 


6th - Matthew Bradford Kahar


7th - Liemas Owen Sanjaya


8th - Joe Frans


10th - Aston Cieputra





In Team Debate competitions, scholars argue thrice on randomly selected topics. Each scholar is given 4 minutes to speak, with one minute of team discussion in between each speaker. Before the debate starts, 15 minutes are allotted for research. After all scholars have spoken, a time for peer constructive criticism is given before the winner of the round is announced.


Junior Division 




4th - Team 305




6th - Neil Aide Jayalaksana


9th - Hillary Hardjanto


11th - Bryan Aurelius Suherman


Senior Division 


2nd - Team 333


3rd - Team 338




2nd - Jessica Ashley 


3rd - Joe Frans


4th - Yan Xin Lu


6th - Vansh Chojar 


8th - Michelle Giovanni Liem 


9th - Liemas Owen Sanjaya





On the second day, scholars participated in the Scholars Bowl held in the hall. Each team was given a clicker used to select their answers to the questions projected up front. During this event, scholars also got to adopt their alpacas named Jerry. 


Junior Division 


1st - Team 305


5th - Team 307


Senior Division 


1st - Team 334


3rd - Team 337




Other awards were also earned by our scholars. 


Da Vinci Awards are given to scholars who did not receive a gold medal or trophy during the prize ceremony.


3rd - Mireille Yael Tanzil (Junior)


6th - Elena Eva Johan (Junior)


The Jac Khor award is given to scholars who scored the highest on the scholar's challenge.


Jac Khor Award 


Mandy Ashley Satya Utama (Senior)




The top performing scholars were also awarded.


Junior Division


5th - Hillary Hardjanto


8th - Bryan Aurelius Suherman


Senior division


1st - Joe Frans


3rd - Liemas Owen Sanjaya


4th - Dylan Sastrawidjaja


7th- Josephine Chloe Confido 


8th - Yan Xin Lu


10th - Jessica Ashley





The Bowl was followed by the Debate Showcase featuring the top scholars from both Junior and Senior divisions debating against one another in teams of 3. The judges were also scholars who'd done well in the team debates. 


The Closing Ceremony was where the teams advancing to the global round were announced and where the winning teams and scholars were recognised. 


On behalf of the newsletter team, we wish everyone a warm congratulations!



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